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Scientific expertise: Machine Learning and Image Analysis. Currently, I'm particularly interested in Explainability and Robustness in machine learning, as well as the hybridation of neural-networks for digital twins. Engineering: Algorithmic expertise for the application of innovative mathematical strategies to data science. Supervision of engineers or students in applied mathematics and computer science. Development using C, C++, Python and CUDA languages, as well as the PyTorch and Scikit-Learn packages. Teaching: Machine Learning, Image Analysis, Optimization, Statistics, GPGPU programming. Career:2019-.: Member of the Artificial and Natural Intelligence Toulouse Institute (ANITI).2012-.: CNRS Research Engineer at Mathematics Institute of Toulouse (IMT), France. Statistics and Optimization (SO) team. Learning, Optimization and Complex data (AOC) team-projet. 2011: Research fellow at the Biomedical Image Analysis Laboratory with Julia A. Schnabel (then invited fellow from 2012 to 2014). Institute of Biomedical Engineering, University of Oxford, UK. 2009-2010: Research assistant at the Biomedical Image Analysis Group and the Institute for Mathematical Sciences with Daniel Rueckert and Darryl Holm. Imperial College, London, UK. 2007-2008: Researcher/Engineer at the Computer Assisted Neuroimaging Laboratory with Philippe Ciuciu. Neurospin, CEA Saclay, France. 2003-2006: Junior lecturer in Fluid Mechanics. Department of Mathematics and Computer science, Paul Sabatier University, Toulouse, France. Studies - qualifications:2018: HDR (French accreditation to supervise research): Mathematical Models and Numerical Methods for the Analysis of Medical Images and Complex Data (manuscript). Institut de Mathématiques de Toulouse (IMT, UMR 5219); Paul Sabatier University, France.Jury: X. Pennec (INRIA Sophia-Antipolis), J.F. Aujol (Univ. Bordeaux), G. Peyré (ENS Paris), L. Younes (Johns Hopkins University), A. Desolneux (ENS Cachan), F. Gamboa (Univ. Toulouse), J.M. Loubes (Univ. Toulouse). 2007: PhD thesis: Quantitative Analysis of Micro-vascular Networks from Computed Tomography Images. Fluid Mechanics Institute of Toulouse (IMFT, UMR 5502); Paul Sabatier University, France. Jury: G. Malandain (INRIA Sophia-Antipolis), I. Magnin (INSERM, CREATIS Lyon), F. Estève (ESRF Grenoble), M. Zagzoule (Univ. Toulouse), A.R. Pries (Univ. Berlin), C. Fonta (CNRS CerCo Toulouse), X. Descombes (INRIA Sophia-Antipolis), F. Plouraboué (CNRS IMFT Toulouse, PhD advisor). 2003: Master 2 in Computer Science. Major in Image analysis. Paul Sabatier university (IRIT, UMR 5505), Toulouse, France. 2002: Master 1 in Mathematical Engineering. Major in Scientific Computing (PDEs and optimization). Paul Sabatier university, Toulouse, France. Responsibilities:2024 - 2029: PI in the ANITI chair Explainable and physics-informed AI for regional weather prediction in collaboration with L. Raynaud (CNRM - Météo-France) and C. Trojahn (Dept Computer Science at Univ. Toulouse 2)).2024 - .: External member of the Artificial Intelligence in Sciences of the Universe transversal axis bureau (ENV'IA) at Observatoire Midi-Pyrénées (OMP). 2021 - .: Representant of the Maths-Industry Agency (Facilitateur AMIES) for in Occitanie region (Toulouse, Montpellier, Pau, Perpignan, ...). Expert member on Machine Learning and Image Analysis topics. 2020 - .: Co-responsible for the CIMI team-project Learning, Optimization, Complex data with Emmanuelle Claeys (IRIT) and Emmanuel Soubies (IRIT). This team-project of Labex CIMI gathers 24 researchers interested by Machine Learning from the Mathematics Institute of Toulouse (IMT), the Toulouse Research Institute in Computer Science (IRIT) and some parts of the Laboratory for Analysis and Architecture of Systems (LAAS). 2020 - .: Local correspondant of the SMAI (French Society for Applied and Industrial Mathematics) in Toulouse. 2019 - 2023: Co-PI of the ANITI chair Law, Accountability and Social Trust in Artificial Intelligence in collaboration with C. Castets-Renard (PI, Dept Law at Univ. Ottawa) and S. Cussat-Blanc (Dept Computer Science at Univ. Toulouse 1)). 2017 - .: Member of the valorization group at the Mathematics Institute of Toulouse. 2015 - 2019: Representative of the technical and administrative personnel at the Mathematics Institute of Toulouse laboratory Council. 2014 - 2020: Member of the editorial board of AIMS Medical Science (link). Organizing committees:2020-2022: Guest Editor of the Special Issue Interpretability, Accountability and Robustness in Machine Learning of the journal Algorithms.2021: Workshop on AI based surrogate models SURDAY (Surrogate day), with J. Morlier (ISAE-Supaero) and E. Gondet (OMP) 2021: CIMI-ANITI summer school on optimization, with E. Cazelles, C. Févotte and E. Soubies (CNRS, IRIT) 2021: ANITI workshop on Law and AI, with C. Castets-Renard (U. Ottawa-ANITI), S. Cussat-Blanc (UT1C-IRIT-ANITI), J. Eynard (UT1C) and R. Pons (UT1C-ANITI). 2020: Co-organiser of the ICML workshop Law and Machine Learning, with C. Castets-Renard (U. Ottawa/Law) and S. Cussat-Blanc (U. Toulouse/IRIT). 2020: Co-organiser of the 8th thematic of JDEV 2020 with E. Gondet (CNRS/OMP). It deals with Programming and Deploying AI. 2018: Co-organiser of the CIMI Optimization and Learning workshop, which focuses on current challenges in optimization for machine learning. 2016: Co-organiser of the MASCOT-NUM 2016 meeting, dealing with stochastic methods for the analysis of numerical codes. 2015 : Co-organiser of the French conference Journées de probabilités 2015, dealing with probability. 2014: Co-organiser of the French conference Journées MAS 2014, dealing with stochastic modelling and statistics. Proceedings are here. Distributed codes:W2reg: Train neural networks classifiers (in PyTorch) with Wasserstein-2 regularization to reduce algorithmic bias in future predictions: https://github.com/lrisser/W2reg/Gems-AI: Interpretability of black-box decision rules in A.I.: https://gems-ai.aniti.fr/ (granted by CNRS-Innovation) uTIlzreg: Diffeomorphic registration of 3D images (see the Papers webpage for specific citations): https://sourceforge.net/projects/utilzreg/. Explanations about uTIlzreg are given here. LargeGraphCenterEstimator: Barycenter esimation of observed events on large weighted graphs (citation): https://sourceforge.net/projects/largegraphcenterestimator/. CORE-clustering: Scalable graph or variables clustering with interpretable decision rules (see the Papers webpage for specific citations): https://sourceforge.net/projects/core-clustering/files/ (pure C++ version and R version interfaced using Rcpp). SlicerRegularizedFastMarching: Semi-interactive 3D image segmentation in Slicer3D https://github.com/AldrickF/SlicerRegularizedFastMarching (internship of Aldrick Faure -- Univ. Toulouse). GeoShoot: GPU implementation in C++/OpenCL of the Geodesic shooting algorithm here for 3D medical images (internship of Alexandre Martin -- ENS Lyon): https://github.com/scalexm/GeoShoot. CoordinatesLayout: Cytoscape App for the defintion of graph layouts with pre-defined coordinates (internship of Noémy Artigouha -- INSA Toulouse): http://apps.cytoscape.org/apps/coordinateslayout. Sanssouci.python (Main developer: Pierre Neuvial): Post hoc inference via multiple testing https://github.com/pneuvial/sanssouci.python. ImpecBrainSeg: Segmentation of MR brain images: https://sourceforge.net/projects/impecbrainseg/. Disclaimer: These codes should be used for research purposes only. Links:Google scholar profile: link.DBLP profile: link. French Agency for the interactions between Mathematics and Industry (AMIES): link. French research network for Information, Signal, Image et ViSion processing/analysis (GdR IASIS): link. French research network for Data Science and Machine Learning (GdR MaDICS): link. French academic network for Software Development (DevLog): link. French academic network for Scientific Computation / HPC (groupe Calcul): link. French Society for Applied and Industrial Mathematics (SMAI): link. Website for M2/PhD students to get various information on the job market in applied maths: link. Toulouse Data Science meetup group: link. |
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